Behind the scene...

Kailee (also known as Fion), was born and raised in Hong Kong. Before starting her MA in Children's Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art in 2018, Kailee had been a registered social worker in Hong Kong. 

After graduating with Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration from The University of Hong Kong, she has worked for different organisations and has served elderly, youth & children, people with physical disability and some deprived groups. 

Art & social work seems something totally different but Kailee believes both of them has the power in healing. Kailee believes her social work background and experiences helps her understand different groups of people profoundly and she hopes that she can create picturebooks that touch people's heart.  


Kailee likes using watercolour and colour pencil but she never limits herself in these two media. She also opens to printmaking and mixed media for example ink, pastel, gouache, acrylic, collage and digital media, whenever they match her narrative. 

Kailee gets inspiration from life. She loves listening to and observing people around. People's real stories can be inspiring and moving. She also finds that observation drawing helps when creating picturebooks. 

Photo Credit to Andy Wong from Hong Kong.